Registration deadline to receive a free copy of the curriculum (manual) is August 16, 2023
DBT Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A) is a universal social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum designed for middle/high school students in educational settings.The DBT STEPS-A curriculum is designed to help adolescents develop coping strategies and decision-making abilities under emotional distress. The DBT STEPS-A curriculum is based on the skills of comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) that have shown to be effective with both adults and adolescents experiencing mild to severe levels of emotional and behavioral difficulties.The primary population is Tier I of a multi-tiered or RTI system of support (MTSS), however, it has been effective at all levels of MTSS implementation.
The training design of the DBT STEPS-A curriculum is to establish four basic elements necessary for implementing the curriculum effectively:
- Background and Development of the DBT STEPS-A curriculum.
- Structure and Implementation Considerations.
- Overview and demonstration of DBT STEPS-A lessons.
- Preparation and participant practice of teaching DBT STEPS-A lessons.
**The DBT SKILLS IN SCHOOLS SKILLS TRAINING FOR EMOTIONAL PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ADOLESCENTS (DBT STEPS-A) manual is required to attend training. This manual will be provided to you at no cost from PAA and will be shipped to you upon registration.