Prescription Drugs and You Poster #2


Prescription Drugs and You is a public health awareness campaign by Prevention Action Alliance. The tagline, “Everyone has a role in prevention,” emphasizes our collective responsibility to safely use, secure, and dispose of prescription drugs. This campaign gives you the resources you need to raise awareness about the risks of prescription drug misuse as well as the behaviors needed to reduce those risks. It supports the protective factors in your community and provides opportunities to build awareness of your organization.

The Prescription Drugs and You posters emphasize the key messages of the campaign—know what’s in your medicine cabinet, secure medicines in your home, and dispose of medicine that’s no longer needed. They’re a graphic tool for raising awareness about the importance of everyone doing their part for prescription drug safety.

These posters can be posted in doctors’ offices, in pharmacies, in grocery stores, in government offices, on buses, at bus stops, near sports’ stadiums, on church and community bulletins, and anywhere with a high amount of foot traffic. Work with volunteers, business leaders, local clergy, and others to disseminate these widely throughout the community. They go well with the Prescription Drugs and You fact cards, which reinforce the same messages, and the Prescription Drugs and You booklets, which go into more depth.

Quantity: 10 posters/pack

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