The G.A.P. Network

Ohio families have faced the challenges of harmful mental health well-being leading to devastating loss. Many have decided to turn their grief into action and turn to The G.A.P. Network for guidance and support.

The G.A.P. (Grief. Advocacy. Prevention.) Network was created to bring information, education, advocacy opportunities, networking, and support to individuals who have lost a loved one to an overdose and to family engagement groups that are working to end addiction to prescription drugs and opiates in Ohio. Not only will the G.A.P Network work with those individuals and families experiencing death due to overdose, but grief and loss due to any mental health circumstance. The G.A.P. Network is a program of Prevention Action Alliance which is a statewide nonprofit charitable organization founded in 1987.
The GAP Network gives a voice to shattered families, provides needed support, and works diligently together to raise awareness, advocate for change, and impact policies that can save more Ohio families from the devastation of drug addiction. Since its founding, drug misuse was the sole focus of the G.A.P Network. In the refreshing process, PAA discovered that grief is not exclusive, but inclusive to all forms of loss. Members are engagement advocacy groups, individuals, and organizations that provide a voice for Ohioans impacted by substance abuse, suicide, domestic violence, incarceration, and any other traumatic loss or mental health circumstance.
Everyone grieves differently and in their own way. Some people cope with self-reflection, journal writing, or talking with a friend. Others use art, nature, or professional support. These are all healthy ways to cope with grief.
If you need additional support do not hesitate to reach out. Text 4HOPE to 741-741 or contact your local mental health and addiction board.
Have you or someone you know lost a loved one?

The G.A.P. Advisory Council
The G.A.P. (Grief, Advocating for Prevention) Network was created to bring information, education, advocacy opportunities, networking, and support to individuals who have lost a loved one to an overdose and to family engagement groups that are working to end addiction to prescription drugs and opiates in Ohio. Not only will the G.A.P. Network work with those individuals and families experiencing death due to overdose, but grief and loss due to any mental health circumstance.