CampusCENTS promotes financial wellness by offering information, support, and guidance to 18 – 25 year olds. This online, self-paced course take approximately two hours to complete but is broken into small, easy to complete modules. The interactive course uses real-life scenarios to help students:
• Become intrigued with concepts around money and financial affairs that can lead to behavior change
• Become intrigued with concepts around money and financial affairs that can lead to behavior change
• Increase awareness of the personal responsibility aspect of personal finance
• Develop confidence in dealing with personal finances
• Determine how (and if) gambling fits into a personal budget
• Learn low-risk guidelines for gambling
For taking the course and providing feedback each participant will receive a $25 eVisa gift card via email. Eligible students are 18-25 years old, register for the course using a .edu email address provided by a college or university located in Ohio, and complete all modules and quizzes. This opportunity is limited to the first 400 participants.