
Parents Who Host 2010 Kickoff

Parents Who Host, Lose The Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking
A Successful Campaign Kickoff Featuring Campaign Spokesperson Clark Kellogg (Friday, April 16th at St. Francis DeSales High School)

(Columbus, Ohio) – With prom and graduation season right around the corner, Campaign Spokesperson Clark Kellogg (basketball star and national sports commentator) kicked off the Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking Campaign (a program of Drug-Free Action Alliance) by addressing a group of high school students and their parents on the subject of underage drinking.

Kellogg talked about the important and influential role parents play in their children’s decisions surrounding alcohol. He discussed both the health and safety issues that accompany underage drinking and encouraged parents to talk to their children so that they, in turn, may be empowered to make healthy and responsible choices for themselves.

Delaware County Sheriff Walter L. Davis III spoke about Ohio’s Social Host laws and the legal ramifications that underage drinking can bring to all parties involved. Sheriff Davis shared prom safety tips with the students and asked them to sign a pledge to help keep them safe and make their prom a positive evening to remember.

Ty Sells, a national Youth to Youth speaker, educated and entertained the group with his message on living drug-free lives and dealing with peer pressure by looking inward to personal strengths.

The aim of the kickoff was to bring attention to the subject of underage drinking and send a unified message to parents and students that it is not only illegal but unsafe, unhealthy, and unacceptable.