To encourage youth and support strong families and communities, try incorporating the Guiding Growth tips below into your daily routine
Practical Principle: Positive Peer Influence
A young person’s best friends model positive, responsible behavior.
Guiding Growths
- Having friends with shared beliefs is one of the strongest protective factors a young person can have in his/her/their life. Encourage your child(ren) to actively talk to, text, and FaceTime their good friends during physical isolation. Having positive peers in their lives will promote good mental health, appropriate decision-making, and healthy choices when they are bored, stressed or unsure how to cope with their new “normal.”
- Promote the idea that your child(ren) engage with his/her/their friends as they typically would have in school. Use Netflix Party to simulate going to the movies, Zoom to host a “Live from Your Living Room” concert or Marco Poloto just virtually hang out.